
Campaign and initiative for Rijndistrict (Open Studios). Rijndistrict initiates a clustering of creative industries* in Arnhem.


Website in collaboration with
Janine Zielman

Photography Open Studio
Eva Broekema

Photography Rijndistict studios
Ruben Hoogvliet (Atelier Fig)



In recent years, Sebastiaan Kramer (Hul le Kes) and Annelou van Griensven (De Vormforensen) have been working on a strategy to create more space for creative entrepreneurship in our neighbourhood. Stichting Rijndistrict is a platform and lobby to create spaces for the creative industry in Arnhem/Rijnpark in a constructive way. We welcome our new team member Jet Van Zwieten, who brings a lot of experience and knowledge to the table.

The initiative creates an ecosystem in which creative entrepreneurs are given the space to grow, collaborate and innovate. The industrial character and diversity in spaces, buildings and programmes make the Rijnpark extremely suitable for the establishment of creative and cultural organisations. The Transformatorplein, which originally provided our energy supply, is now a vibrant source where creative energy is released and with which Arnhem can more emphatically prolearn itself as a manufacturing city. The creative industry already plays a significant role in the local economy of the Rijnpark and contributes to a vibrant, urban environment and the cultural identity of the area. But at the moment, we see little connection between the established creative companies themselves. represent.

It is our aim to transform these parties into a cohesive, strong network. Rijndistrict wants to use the available creative capacity in a visible, accessible and strengthened way for the benefit of the entire future development of the area. To achieve this, Rijndistrict focuses on organizing and facilitating events such as open studios, thinking about a central meeting place for creative Arnhem in the Rijnpark and representing the interests of the manufacturing industry.


The grid, the typography and the image are part of each other and the basis of identity. Continuing with a grid we make a metaphorical link to the Grid of the city, of the area of the district. As a result, space can be occupied, changed, stratification and we can build. It Grid will be the basis for all forms of expression.

We also have the grid used to change the 'r' of Rijndistrict.

You can use your own image (portrait/ portrait images) and generate posters or flyers in the identity of the of Rhine District. Our businesses and our work are constantly changing, in this way In this way, the expressions of Rijndistrict remain up to date. For Instagram stories or posts, you can use an online tool. You can upload two images and change the ratio of your browser to turn it into a story or post. By taking a screenshot or screen recording, you can save your image.

Need an new identity?